Thanks to the generosity of you, our supporters, VBRMF has been able to make the following donations in the2016 calendar year: $3,500 has been awarded toward the purchase of a violin for one very talented, young violinist. $1,000 has been awarded to a young musician...
As we enter 2016, VBRMF continues to move ahead with its mission and music endeavors. Our areas of focus going forward are to: Promote music education, especially the support of local young people. Make classical music and a blend of classical/Appalachian heritage...
Please THANK them as well — with your support and PATRONAGE! Click on the following links to learn more about our Corporate Sponsors. See below for list of our current Sponsors. ...
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Virginia’s Blue Ridge Music Festival Board has provided a grant of $1,000 toward the broadcast costs of the “Water Music” Education Concert of the Roanoke Youth Symphony Orchestra playing side-by-side with the Roanoke...
Broaden our region’s musical richness by making classical music and a blend of classical/Appalachian heritage styles affordable and available in our community – in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Provide a wide array of musical offerings – house concerts, chamber...
Thank you in advance for supporting Virginia's Blue Ridge Music Festival
We are hard at work fund-raising, researching grant opportunities, and seeking individuals, businesses, and foundations that would like to support our efforts. Please consider making a donation.