Revisit June 2013 Festival
of All Performances & Master Classes
of 2013 Festival Activities
Click for 2013 FESTIVAL PROGRAM book
Click for detailed Information about June 2013 Concerts, Tickets, Festival Passes, and Free Events
Revisit June 2014 Festival
Click for 2014 CONCERT PROGRAM book
Click for detailed Information about June 2014 Concerts, Tickets, and Weekend Passes
Presents a Weekend of
“Classical Music in the Mountains”
June 6 – 8, 2014
Downtown Floyd – Free
“Informal Ensemble Music”
At the Floyd Artisan Market, including several 2013 Fellows
SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Floyd EcoVillage, Celebration Hall
Family Concert —
The Classical Connection: From Baroque to Billy Joel
David Stewart Wiley at the grand piano and a trio of musicians (flute, bass, percussion) trace the roots of recent recorded hits – from Bach, Classical, and Ragtime to 20th century popular music – a fun and informative one hour program for ALL ages, hosted by Maestro Wiley. This program connects the dots between centuries of great music! (You might even attend the SustainFloyd pancake breakfast at Floyd Farmer’s Market before the concert — breakfast starts at 8:30.)
Family with one adult: $10 in advance – $12 at door
Family with two adults: $15 in advance – $17 at door
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SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 6:30 PM
Floyd EcoVillage, Celebration Hall
“Gala Concert” with Reception
Virtuosi Chamber Strings, David Stewart Wiley, Conductor
Blacksburg Community Band, Jay Durner, Music Director
Akemi Takayama, violin
This gala evening features concertmaster Akemi Takayama and composer/mandolin virtuoso Jeff Midkiff.
– Celebration Hall: “Spring” Concertos from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Astor Piazzolla’s fiery tango-infused Four Seasons of Buenos Aires with Ms. Takayama, a special preview of the new Double Concerto for Mandolin and Violin by Midkiff that fuses our mountain heritage with classical forms, plus more
– “Sunset Serenade” at the adjacent Lake Pavilion with the Blacksburg Community Band
– Wine and food reception, Meet the Artists
Tickets: $20 in advance – $23 at the door — Students half price
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SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014 3:00 PM
Floyd EcoVillage, Celebration Hall
“Art and Music in the Mountains”
Chamber Orchestra Conducted by David Stewart Wiley
Akemi Takayama, violin
This community-wide celebration, featuring concertmaster Akemi Takayama, integrates art into our musical performances – Dvorak’s beloved and nature-inspired Serenade for Winds and Strings, classics by Mozart and Beethoven, and Martinu’s The Kitchen Review – A Musical Play – and includes several returning 2013 Fellows. Art by area students, inspired by the music, will be on display at the concerts.
Tickets: $17 in advance – $20 at the door — Students half price
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Get a Weekend Pass to all three Concerts guaranteed preferred seating
$40 Adults – $15 Students
Internet Passes
Weekend Passes and Concert Tickets
Conveniently Available
*By credit card charged over the phone 540.745.2784
(The Jacksonville Center)
*On this website using your credit card at the ‘Add to Cart’ buttons
*By cash or check at The Jacksonville Center in Floyd
Group rates available, as well as limited funds
to assist families with ticket costs – call 540.597.6314
After 4 pm, June 6th — Purchase Tickets ‘At Door’
HELP with Ordering Online – IF you get stuck
The tickets for each concert will be available for pick up
at the concert venue.
- All Festival venues are disability accessible.
- Artists and repertoire subject to change.
- Ticket purchases are nonrefundable.
Concerts, Tickets, Festival Passes, and Free Events
CLICK ON THE LINK UNDER EACH CONCERT BELOW for more information. Additional Ticket Information is at bottom of this page — where you can also buy Festival Passes at bargain prices to ALL Concerts.
SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 2013 6:00 PM
Floyd EcoVillage
Gala Opening Night Concert & Reception “Baroque Fireworks”
Festival Baroque Orchestra David Stewart Wiley, Conductor
Co-Concertmasters Akemi Takayama and David Park will be featured in our opening gala concert in J.S. Bach’s immortal Double Violin Concerto. This special concert also includes Vivaldi, “Summer” movement from The Four Seasons; Bach, Orchestra Suite (Overture) No. 3; and selections from Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks and Water Music with winds and brass, as we “Go for Baroque”.
Tickets were: $18 through May 20 — $20 in advance — $23 at the door — Students half price
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SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013 6:00 PM
Floyd Elementary School Pre-concert talk at 5 PM
“Dvorak in America”
Festival Symphony Orchestra David Stewart Wiley, Conductor
Jeff Midkiff, mandolin & composer
Bohemian master Antonin Dvorak’s musical postcard “From the New World”, Symphony No. 9, was inspired by his U.S. visit. We feature an exciting new concerto for mandolin and orchestra by Virginia composer Jeff Midkiff “From the Blue Ridge”, a world premiere Fanfare for Floyd by WVTF’s Steve Brown, as well as other original mountain-inspired selections. Concert explores the deep and surprising connection between mountain music and European classical music.
Tickets were: $15 through May 20 — $17 in advance — $20 at the door — Students half price
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MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013 9:00 – 10:15 AM
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013 9:00 – 10:15 AM
Floyd EcoVillage
Conducting & Leadership Master Class by Maestro David Stewart Wiley
Tickets were: $10 through May 20 — $11 in advance — $14 at the door — Students half price
GET TICKETS, Directions, More about these Master Classes
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 201311:30 – 12:30
Natasha’s Market Café
Chamber Ensemble Concert – performed by Academy Fellows
Beethoven, Handel, Bartok
Tickets were: $7 through May 20 — $8 in advance — $10 at the door — Students half price
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TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Chateau Morrisette Winery
Chamber Ensemble Concert – performed by Academy Fellows
Mozart, Haydn, Debussy, Curtis, Grainger
Tickets were: $7 through May 20 — $8 in advance — $10 at the door — Students half price
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TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013 6:30 – 7:30 PM
The Jacksonville Center for the Arts
Chamber Ensemble Concert – performed by Academy Fellows
Handel, Reinecke, Moszkowski, Muszynski, Saxton.
Tickets were: $7 through May 20 — $8 in advance — $10 at the door — Students half price
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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013 6:30 PM
Floyd EcoVillage
Movements from virtuosic concertos
Academy Fellows accompanied by piano
Ten Academy Fellows perform Movements of virtuosic concertos from the masterworks repertoire. Come hear the stars of the future. Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Ravel, Lalo, Haydn, Debussy, Gliere, and More.
Tickets were: $10 through May 20 — $11 in advance — $14 at the door — Students half price
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THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 20133:30 – 4:30 PM
The June Bug Center
Family Concert: “Classical Meets Jazz in the Mountains”
Academy Faculty and Fellows
This fun concert will be appropriate for children of all ages and their families. Joplin, Bolling, Wiley, Gershwin, Katie Wells dance, and More.
Tickets PER FAMILY were: $10 through May 20 — $11 in advance — $14 at the door
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SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2013 2:00 PM
Floyd EcoVillage – Celebration Hall
Chamber Ensemble Final Concert
Academy Fellows and Faculty
Mendelssohn Octet, Schubert Quintet
Tickets were: $10 through May 20 — $11 in advance — $14 at the door — Students half price
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SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2013 6:00 PM
Floyd County High School Pre-concert talk at 5 PM
“Concerto Competition Winners — PLUS”
Festival Symphony Orchestra David Stewart Wiley, Conductor
Concerto Night features the talent of our Academy Fellows performing in the main movements of: Mozart, Clarinet concerto; Dvorak, Cello concerto; Haydn, Trumpet concerto. Come discover the stars of the future — it should be a stellar evening. Mozart’s Overture to “The Marriage of Figaro”, Faure’s Pavane, Brahms’ Hungarian Dance, Sibelius’ Finlandia round out the program.
Tickets were: $15 through May 20 — $17 in advance — $20 at the door — Students half price
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SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 3:00 PM
Floyd County High School Pre-concert talk at 2 PM
“Beethoven’s Fifth and Elgar Enigma”
Festival Symphony Orchestra David Stewart Wiley, Conductor
Beethoven’s Fifth moves from dramatic thrust to triumphant chorale, with cascades of brass, winds and strings. Elgar’s Variations paint a musical portrait of his beloved friends and family. This big and uplifting concert closes our inaugural Festival.
Tickets were: $15 through May 20 — $17 in advance — $20 at the door — Students half price
GET TICKETS, Directions, More about this concert
Free Additional Events
Many informal opportunities to hear great music are available: open orchestral & small ensemble rehearsals, master classes, and ‘on the street’.
Printable OVERVIEW of All Festival Performances
& Master Classes — including Free Events
- Academy Fellows may be inspired to give impromptu performances at various restaurants and other businesses around Town.
- Times & locations of all events will be given in the Festival Program – and posted on this website well before the Festival.
- All Festival venues are disability accessible.
- Artists and repertoire subject to change.
The Festival Pass is an incredible bargain!
- Access to all the above, PLUS:
- Significant discount off individual ticket prices
- Guaranteed preferred seating
- 10% discount off additional tickets purchased
- Restaurant discounts
- Meet-the-artists reception
***Even if you can’t attend some concerts, buying
a Pass is a great deal – and it provides important
support for the Music Festival***
Festival Passes to all concerts & events were only $99 through May 20, $110 after — half price for students
HELP with Ordering Online – IF you get stuck
Festival Passes and Concert Tickets
Are Conveniently Available:
— By credit card charged over the phone 540.745.2784 (The Jacksonville Center)
— On this website using your credit card at the ‘Add to Cart’ buttons
— By cash or check at The Jacksonville Center in Floyd
— Group rates available – call 540.267.4221
The tickets for each concert will be available for pick up at the concert venue. Festival Pass holders will just proceed into the venue.