PowerPoint Presentation - page 37

Linda Osborne
Mary Papadopoulos
Phoenix Hardwoods, Inc.
Pamela Pinto-Sessions
Linda Burian Plaut
Dennis & Suzie Ross
Virginia M. Savage
Judith Shrum
Slaughters Supermarket
Margaret A. Smith
Jennifer Spoon
Spencer & Ann Taylor
Time Travelers Frozen Yogurt
Mark & Terry Vaughn
Vernon Glenn Painting
Cathryne Whitten
Corporate Sponsors:
The Jacksonville Center for the Arts
Floyd EcoVillage
Bank of Floyd
Griffith Lumber Co.
Natasha’s Market Café
Natural Woodworking Co.
Strathmore Capital Advisors
Additional support provided by National Endowment
for the Arts and the Virginia Commission for the Arts
through the Jacksonville Center
Virginia’s Blue Ridge Music Festival gratefully
acknowledges the In-Kind contributions made
by the following individuals and businesses
during the past year (as of May 9, 2013). Your
generous support is vital to our continued
success and helps keep our costs to a
‘Beyond the Call’ special thanks to
: Jack Wall and
Kamala Bauers for hosting the Music Festival at the
beautiful Floyd EcoVillage; John McEnhill and The
Jacksonville Center for serving as our nonprofit
sponsor and our nonprofit advisor; Natasha
Shiskevish and Natasha’s Market Café for providing
pro bono delicious delicacies for many of our
concerts and events; Paul Harris and Citizens for
developing the foundation of our website; and
David Stewart Wiley for donating many of his
artistic services.
* indicates Board Members below
Lynn Andrus
Amy Avery-Grubel
Kamala Bauers
Bill Bell
Bell Gallery & Garden
Black Water Loft
Jackie Blount
Bright Farm
Daniel Brooke
Hannah, Ellen & Heidi Brooke
Jennifer Brooke*
Laurel Brooke
Suzanne Brooks
Laure Cantrell
Lynn Carden*
Debbie Carter
Chamber of Commerce
Chateau Morrisette Winery
Lee Chichester
Ed Cohn
Grace Cox
Hunter Crawford
Marie Daniel
Dogtown Pizza
Dan Drysdale
Ed Fallon*
Linda Fallon*
Carol Fiore
Fred First
Floyd Artisan Trail
Floyd Country Store
FC High School Madrigal Singers
Floyd County Schools
Floyd EcoVillage
Tom Freudenthal
Bill Gardner
Ginny Gardner
Grateful Bread
Paul Harris
Marie Henry
Maggie Hessinger
Hotel Floyd
Jacksonville Center
June Bug Center
Tom Klingelhofer
Heather Krantz
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